Sunday, December 29, 2019

Qué hacer para trabajar de au pair en Estados Unidos

Trabajar como au pair o cuidador de nià ±os en Estados Unidos puede ser una experiencia gratificante para los jà ³venes que deseen practicar y mejorar sus conocimientos de inglà ©s. Para desempeà ±ar este trabajo es preciso que una familia patrocine a la nià ±era a travà ©s de una agencia autorizada por el Departamento de Estado. El joven extranjero entrarà ¡ y trabajarà ¡ en Estados Unidos amparado por una visa de intercambio conocida como J-1. En este artà ­culo se informa sobre los requisitos tanto de las familias para alojar a una nià ±era bajo este programa como tambià ©n aquellos que deben cumplir los jà ³venes extranjeros para calificar. Requisitos de las familias para patrocinar a una au pair extranjera Ser ciudadanos americanos o residentes permanentes legales.En el hogar familiar debe hablarse inglà ©s.Los nià ±os americanos a cuidar por el cuidador extranjero deberà ¡n ser mayores de tres meses y menores de 18 aà ±os. Las familias corren con la mayorà ­a de los gastos que generalmente incluyen el viaje ida y vuelta en avià ³n y seguro mà ©dico mientras dure la estancia de la nià ±era en Estados Unidos. Requisitos para trabajar como au pair en Estados Unidos Tener entre 18 y 26 aà ±os de edad. Aunque la inmensa mayorà ­a de los jà ³venes que solicitan trabajar como cuidadores de nià ±os son mujeres, tambià ©n pueden aplicar los varones.Tener buenos conocimientos de inglà ©s a nivel oral.Haber acabado los estudios de bachillerato (high school) o equivalente.No tener antecedentes penales. Antes de concederse la visa se requerirà ¡ documentacià ³n oficial que acredite que no se ha cometido ningà ºn delito. Si se ha sido condenado, la visa serà ¡ denegada.Suministrar fotos de su vida y al menos tres referencias que no pueden ser de familiares. Ademà ¡s de los requisitos legales, hay otros fruto de la prà ¡ctica que hacen que sea mà ¡s fà ¡cil que una aspirante a au-pair encuentre familia de acogida. Asimismo, cà ³mo se tramita la visa, cuà ¡les son las condiciones laborales de los muchachos desempeà ±ando esta labor y, finalmente, se hace referencia a otros programas de intercambio que tambià ©n pueden ser de interà ©s para jà ³venes extranjeros que desean vivir la experiencia americana mientras practican inglà ©s. Tramitacià ³n de la visa J-1 para nià ±eras Rellenar la aplicacià ³n correspondiente.Pagar las cuotas correspondientes. La cantidad varà ­a y es fijada por la empresa socia de la agencia americana autorizada para llevar a cabo el programa de au pair. En general es menos de $1000 e incluye el arancel por aplicar, el de encontrar familia patrocinadora y por la entrevista. En ocasiones, dependiendo del paà ­s, es posible que se tenga  que pagar un sobreprecio por el viaje.Pasar una entrevista en persona y un test psicolà ³gico y otro fà ­sico.Escribir una carta dirigida a una posible familia patrocinadora.Si se va a cuidar de nià ±os menores de dos aà ±os, habrà ¡ que acreditar que se tiene al menos 200 horas de experiencia cuidando a bebà ©s.Comprometerse por escrito a trabajar por doce meses.Acudir a clases de inglà ©s y participar en una reunià ³n mensual de nià ±eras. Requerimientos que frecuentemente solicitan las familias Aunque la ley no dice nada al respecto, en la prà ¡ctica se sabe que las familias patrocinadoras buscan nià ±eras que: Que tenga licencia de manejar.No fumar. Condiciones labores de las nià ±eras con el programa J-1 El cuidador tendrà ¡ recà ¡mara propia (cuarto, habitacià ³n) y se le proveerà ¡ con tres comidas diarias.Se le entregarà ¡ semanalmente para su uso y disfrute la cantidad de $195.75.Las familias correrà ¡n con el gasto de hasta $500 para que la au pair asista a clases de inglà ©s (al menos seis crà ©ditos en una universidad o college comunitario).La jornada laboral no podrà ¡ exceder de 10 horas al dà ­a ni de 45 horas semanales.El contrato serà ¡ por doce meses y se le pagarà ¡ al cuidador dos semanas de vacaciones. Agencias oficiales intermediarias en el programa de Au Pair Es necesario tener en cuenta que una persona sà ³lo puede ser nià ±era con una visa de intercambio J-1 para si las gestiones se hacen exclusivamente a travà ©s de una de las agencia autorizadas por el gobierno de los Estados Unidos. Este es el listado. Por à ºltimo, esto es lo que debes hacer si la experiencia no es como tà º esperabas y hay problemas serios o te despiden. Esto es lo que debes hacer si el programa de la visa J-1 finaliza antes del tiempo previsto. EduCare Es un programa similar pero diferente al de aupair. Los utilizan las familias americanas para contratar nià ±eras extranjeras para cuidar de sus hijos antes o despuà ©s del horario escolar. En estos casos la au pair no puede trabajar mà ¡s de 30 horas a la semana y podrà ¡n recibir hasta $1000 para costear sus estudios. En estos casos la compensacià ³n a recibir es menor, estando fijada en $146.81. Evitar problemas con la visa Una vez que se tiene la visa es importante no hacer nada que pueda ponerla en peligro. Para ello una de la informacià ³n fundamental es saber cuà ¡nto se puede ingresar a Estados Unidos y cuà ¡ntos son los dà ­as de periodo de gracia para salir, una vez que finaliza el programa. Informacià ³n de interà ©s Para los muchachos interesados en estudiar en EEUU pero creen que no pueden pagarlo, verificar la posibilidad de estudiar dos aà ±os en un Community College: estas son sus ventajas y en esta base de datos se puede comprobar costo en mà ¡s de 1,000 colegios comunitarios en todo el paà ­s. Otras opciones con una Visa J-1 de intercambio Existen otras posibilidades para los jà ³venes extranjeros que desean pasar una temporada en EU para aprender inglà ©s y/o disfrutar la experiencia americana. Por ejemplo, el programa SWT para universitarios, que permite que trabajen y viajen durante los meses de verano. Otra opcià ³n son los programas oficiales para staff de apoyo  de campamentos de verano o los de prà ¡cticas profesionales (pasantà ­as) para jà ³venes profesionales. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Global Business - 1133 Words

Global Business Mark D. Howard BUS 452 F Global Business Professor Benjamin Tolbert Talladega College September 9, 2015 Abstract In this paper I will be discussing the different aspects of Global Business. I will define what is meant by â€Å"Global Business† and also the general international business environment. Today’s great business opportunities, and also the greatest challenges we face, are global in nature and therefore demand leaders who are also global. But what does â€Å"global† really mean? Truly global leaders act as bridge builders, connectors of resources and talent across cultural and political boundaries. They don’t just think and act global, they are global. Global Business Global business refers to international†¦show more content†¦For example, bribery remains widespread in many countries, and while people may not approve of it, they accept it as a necessity of daily life. â€Å"The term â€Å"international business† refers to all those business activities which involve cross-border transactions of goods, services, resources between two or more nations. Transactions of economic resources include capital, skills, people etc. for international production of physical goods and services such as finance, banking, insurance, construction etc.† (Wikipedia) The overwhelming amount of business investment and financial investment takes place between industrial countries. Nearly $80 billion of the $90 billion invested in the U.S. from abroad in 1997 came from Europe, Canada, and Japan. About $72 billion of the $114 billion 1997 foreign investment by U.S. companies went to Europe, Canada, and Japan. In recent years, direct investment in less-developed countries has expanded significantly, doubling between 1990 and 1995, while total U.S. direct investment abroad rose by 65 percent. The trend continued through 1997, a foreign direct investment in Latin America rose significantly. \ Another dimension of globalization is the growth of the international capital market. Financial flows across countries now dwarf the levels of only 10 years ago. Specialized markets, companies, and individuals have created the means by which organizations can manageShow MoreRelatedGlobal Factors Affecting Business1002 Words   |  5 PagesGlobal factors affecting business The way of running the business differs from country to country. The marketing, sales and technical skills are required to increase the productivity of business. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Sex In the city Essay Example For Students

Sex In the city Essay Marina said it all made sense in retrospect. Her live-in boyfriend of three years bought her a really expensive bracelet for her birthday and then made plans to go scuba diving in Hawaii with his buddies. When he came back, he moped around for a few days. She pursued him, asking, Whats wrong? He mumbled incoherent explanations. He said he had things on his mind and he didnt want to talk about them yet. Six days later, he told her was moving out. It was the end of the month, but, hey, hed pay his half of the rent. Then he shut down the conversation portal and made himself scarce for the next two days. He packed and left while she was at work. She is still wondering what happened. There are always clues to a withdrawal from a relationship. Sometimes the signs are in your face; sometimes they are subtle: If you bring up your Christmas vacation idea and he avoids looking at the pamphlets, there is a glitch in the We-Are-a-Couple format. Guys who are planning to go AWOL dont like to purch ase non-refundable tickets to palm-treed islands or to invite you to their annual company picnic. These items telegraph the fact that they have a picture in their mind that does not include you. Every time you reroute the conversation to his birthday party, does he say, No big deal I dont want to do anything this year? If this comes from a man who hires caterers annually to celebrate the queens horses birthdays, watch out. If he stops the conversation or changes directions when any mention of upcoming events takes place, its time to focus the relationship lens. He walks ahead of you on the street. He leaves you off the emergency phone numbers list (Its better if they call my brother youre hard to reach at work). When you try to hold his hand at a party, he finds an excuse to use them for something else (Theyre clammy tonight.). Like Marina, most women can look back and say, yes, there was a change in the affection factor. We used to curl up together on the couch to watch TV on Wedne sday nights, she remembers. Then he started sitting in the recliner, saying his back hurt him. 3. Fighting more, enjoying it less. More arguments and moodiness? Sometimes it seems that he just provokes a conflict for no reason. Bad, bad sign. Sometimes leaving means more sex a lot of it. This may be his way of trying to make you feel better or its his way of dealing with the big emotions that surface when he knows he is leaving and feels sad because he knows you are a sweetheart. If he is all over you after a long dry spell, it could be a new appreciation of what a wonderful human you are or it might be a predictor of bye-bye plans. Other times, there may be very little sex after a healthy physical history. This may be attributed to his health, his worries or his age, or course, so dont be poking prematurely into his private drawers. He doesnt return calls. Hes turned his pager off. He doesnt show up for a date and doesnt call to cancel. Hey, this is an easy one. If the body is miss ing, youve already been dumped unless you can ascertain that he has in fact been kidnapped or recruited to work undercover for Interpol. Some women dont get this one the most obvious sign of major retreat perhaps because it is so transparent. A man who is making other life plans wants some distance from intimacy or apparent coupledom. The easiest way is to cut you off from his thoughts. Short of stapling yourself to his leg, there is little you can do to delay the inevitable. And begging never is a pretty sight. Hes leaving you. So deal with it. You will go through a mini-grief period, or a maxi with extra-strength pain. Either way, you have a job to do. And remember, you lived without his company before you met him; you dont need him. The first task is to remind yourself on a regular basis that he is the loser here. And that years from now when he is balding and grizzled and lonely in an old folks home, he will be sorry that he made such a horrible choice. You, of course, will be w ith a dashing man who adores you and you will glance out the window to see this pathetic ex limping along the street on the way to get denture cream. OK, at least you can tell yourself this story till you dont need it anymore. Shopping works for some. For others it just delays the grieving period, although it is hard to see how a nice little faux Fendi would hurt. Join things; get a new lurch on life. Lunch. Call friends. Dont wait in the wings. Give yourself limited time for crying over Mr. No Taste I suggest Sunday between 7 and 8 a.m. Cry full tilt. Learn to see the signs clearly next time. Some women look the other way. Become a seasoned seorita. And dont let the rejection munch away at your self-esteem. It is a broken relationship, not a printout of your faults as a human. By the way, Marina is now over the fact that she was dumped (as you might expect, he left her for another woman). She rolls her eyeballs as she tells the story. He said he was helping a friend in his social w ork class deal with an unwanted pregnancy. Turned out to be HIS. So now hes with a woman who was supposed to be a weekend thing and they are parents. So much for his lectures on spontaneity. Marina picks lint off her angora sweater and answers the phone. She just won the $10 million lotto jackpot. OK, I lied. But her best friend did call and they are meeting for oysters and martinis at 8. She has a life. Bibliography:Jones, P.V Homers Odyssey: A Companion To The Translation of Richmond Lattimore 1st ed. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 1988Duhn, Poh SY. Greek Mythology: The OdysseyEd. Steven van Leeuwen. Dec. 1995. 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The Heroic Epic. Honors World Literature 1 Class Discussion. bgjhhn State College, jkhgdshre. 2000.